I’m intently focused on helping evidence-based advisorsincrease their AUM. Doing so may causeme to miss the forest for the trees. Here’s what I mean.
When I speak, the question I always ask is: Have you ever had the experience of sayingsomething you thought was really interesting, and the other person stops, looksinto your eyes and says ‘tell me more about that.’
In an audience of 100 or more, it’s rare more than one ortwo people raise their hand. When I ask forcontext, the most common response is: MyMom always does that.
Never has anyone said: My Dad always does that. I wonder why.
The question is a win/win for me. I’m trying to illustrate how rare it is foranyone to show a genuine interest in us. The fact that most people have never had this experience makesthis point.
When those who answered affirmatively give context totheir response, I ask this question: I’msure you love your Mom. How do othersfeel about her?
The answer is always: Everyone loves her.
Being “interested” instead of “interesting” will likelyincrease your conversion rate and your AUM, but there’s a bigger payoff.
When you shift the focus from yourself to others, it willimprove your relationship with everyone – your friends, family andcolleagues. It will also make youhappier and probably healthier.
The benefits far transcend more AUM.
That’s the big picture.
The power of being interested in others is explored inthis excellent blog post.
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