I used the tactics we discussed in a committee meeting this morning and was blown away by the level of engagement. Your research is a true difference maker.
I used your techniques with another prospect and they did become a client.
In both cases, they skipped the pitch book in lieu of asking thoughtful questions. Since this was the first meeting with the prospects, they didn’t expect it to lead to the closing opportunity, but it did. The advisor was really surprised that one prospect didn’t even ask about the investments or the advisory fees she would be charged. She was ready to sign up.
[Name of advisor] had a client review meeting where he used your techniques. He was amazed at how an hour flew by with the client talking about what was on her mind (not much to do with investing).
When she was done he asked if she wanted to see all of his charts and graphs and she said no. And that she really enjoyed their “review.”
We had a big prospect meeting today. My colleague and I met at the coffee shop beforehand to go over the game plan. He said “simple..we are going to ‘Dan Solin’ them…” Did not even get to “how would you like to proceed.” They slid the account statements and trust docs across the table and asked when our next meeting would be. Thought that would put a smile on your face.
The conversations we’re having with prospective clients are as you suggested – no notebooks, no predetermined questions, or agenda. I have found myself listening not to think of the next question, but genuinely wanting to understand. In fact, one prospect said to me, she felt as though she was talking to a psychologist, to which I replied “a financial psychologist” – she found it amusing. In the end, when I asked her how she would like to proceed, she said “I presume you’ll send me a scope of work and fee summary.”
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